Tournament Rules and  Prizes


1.       The tournament will be played according to Swiss System from 2nd August to 10th August 2010. It will have 9 rounds according to the following  schedule :

              1st to 8th rounds   16.30 hours.

             9th round 10.00 hours.


It will take place on the premises of “Saló La Flor”, Ripoll’s Road 11.

2. The time control will be 90 minutes for 40 moves + 30 minutes with 30 seconds cumulative increment for each move starting from first move. Clocks will be started punctually and any player not presented after one hour since the beginning of the match, will not score.  

3. The starting rank will be done according objective valuation from above to below between known ratings of

·         FIDE Rating

·         National  (FEDA) or Regional Rating

4. Two successive defaults of a player or any without justification will cause his elimination from the tournament. The organisers are authorized to eliminate a player absent for the first round.

5. An Appeals Committee will be chosen during the course of the first round by the own players. It will consist by five players, two of whom will act as substitutes in case of any dispute involving a member of the entitled come up.

  The Appeals Committee will consist of:

a)       Three titled players and two reserves.

b)       Tournament Director (or Organisers’ Re­pre­sentative), with voice but without casting vote

        The Tournament Director will preside over the Committee and he will be assisted by the arbiter

6. All complaints have to be made in writing to the Appeals Committee within 1/2 hour after the end of the session during which the dispute took place. The decision of  the Committee in all matters   is final.

7. Mobile phones or other electronic devices which can disturb players are strictly forbidden when games are in progress. Mobile phones must be switched off. If a player’s mobile phone rings in the playing venue during the play, that player can lose the game.

8. Pairings will be made according to Swiss manager program, and it will be displayed in the tournament hall. The pairings for the first round will be notified at 11,30 h. am of day, 2.

9.  The Registration should be filled and the fee paid to the Organisers before the commencement of the first round or at least before it is over. A player who doesn’t comply with this requirement is liable to lose his entry.

10. Tie-breaks for determining the final ranking order will be resolved according to the following options:

·            Total corrected Bucholz (*)

·            Brazilian corrected Bucholz (*) excepting  the  player with the lowest  number of points (worst rival)

·            Accumulative – Progressive system


       (*) In this way, not played games will be consider as draw


                The order of these options will be decided by means of a draw decided immediately before to finish the last round.

11. List of Prizes:


                1st                                        1.200 € + Trophy

2nd                                         800 € + Trophy

3rd                                          600 € + Trophy

4th                                            450 €

5th                                            350 €

6th                                            300 €

7th                                            250 €

8th                                            200 €

9th                                            150 €

10th                                         100 €


        1st  Elo 2300 to 2399                 100 €

        1st  Elo 2150 to 2299                   90 €

        1st  Elo 2000 to 2149                   75 €

        1st  Elo 1850 to 1999                   60 €

       1st  Elo  under 1849                     50 €

       Second classified of each category: 50, 40, 30,   25 and 20 €, respectively

        1st Woman classified                            Trophy

        1st Best Veteran (+ 60 years)               Trophy

        1st Youth - 16 years                             Trophy                1st Member “Club d´escacs Lillet”     Trophy  

·         Cash prizes will not be accumulative or divisible. Trophies- In case a player has right to more than one trophy, he will receive all of them.

·         For the special prizes by ELO sections, ELO FIDE will be considered in first term, and in its lack, Catalan or FEDA, respectively.

12. The Tournament will be conducted according this Rules, General Chess Rules and for the present FIDE Laws.

13.  The Tournament is valid for the calculation of ELO FIDE, FEDA, FCE ratings as well as for obtaining Norms of GM and IM

14.  The Organization has the right to modify any point of these rules.

15.  The participation in the Tournament implies the total knowledge and acceptance of the same ones.


Players among 16 and 59 years      30 €

Players under 16  years                   20 €

Above 60 years players                   20 €

Costs are free for GMs, IM’s, and players with ELO equal or higher 2350 FIDE.

  Tournament Director: Joan Barnola Espelt

              Chief Arbiter: IA Enio Bello

           La Pobla de Lillet, July 1, 2010.









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